Sun Collectors

The Incredible Benefits Of Solar Energy

Sun Collectors serves Peoria IL and surrounding areas throughout Central Illinois. We would love to speak with you and answer any questions you have about the reasons why going solar makes sense. Browse our website and give us a call at 309-323-8260 for details and appointment scheduling.

Power Bill Vs. Solar System Payment

You’ve decided to purchase your home after weighing out the benefits of renting vs. owning in your area, now it is time for the next step. Option 1) Lease electricity at a variable rate, from your local utility forever. Forever can be a long time, Warren Buffet is 89 years old and still lives in his childhood home… imagine how many electric bills he has paid. Option 2) Convert to solar with no initial investment and have a fixed rate on a renewable “power plant” you own. Over the last decade, the cost to install solar has dropped by more than 70% while the cost of electricity has nearly doubled. Zero down payment programs allow homeowners to convert their monthly electric expense into an asset that generates renewable energy and an increase in home value.

Selling A Home With Solar

When, or if, you were moving into your house, would you have agreed to pay a slightly higher mortgage if it meant you could practically drastically reduce the electric bill of the home? Most people would answer yes to this question. The value of a solar energy system depends on many different factors, but solar can help a house sell for a higher premium and much faster. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory performed a study in 2010 which found homes with a purchased solar system sold 20% faster than comparable non-solar homes. The Zillow Group Consumer Housing Trends Report claims more than 80% of homebuyers say energy-efficient features are essential. Energy-efficient appliances will help, but imagine selling a net-zero smart home equipped with its own renewable “power plant.”

Property Tax Exemption

In a state, such as Illinois, with high property taxes, businesses and homeowners can rest assured knowing that a solar energy system will not increase the amount of property tax due at the end of the year. PTAX-330 is an Illinois specific tax assessment form for both active and passive solar energy systems. If you feel your taxes have gone up due to your solar installation, please contact your local assessor’s office.