Sun Collectors

Consider Solar as Your Preferred Renewable Energy in Peoria IL

As our world becomes more dependent on energy, finding a consistent and clean power source is top of everyone’s minds. Yet, there’s one major renewable energy in Peoria IL that’s making strides and convincing people to make the switch: solar power. If you wish to do your part to protect the environment while taking advantage of money-saving opportunities, talk with the Sun Collectors of Peoria today.

Why Switch to Renewable?

While not a problem today, our country’s reliance on fossil fuels could be the source of numerous energy and environmental concerns in the future. And with the benefits of producing solar power, it’s no wonder why so many people are switching to renewable energy.

  • Preserve Our Environment – As we’ve already mentioned, renewable energy is an environmentally-friendly alternative to energy from fossil fuels. Especially with solar, there’s no carbon footprint, no greenhouse gas production, and sunlight provides a near-infinite source of electricity.
  • Take Advantage of Solar Incentives – Our federal government, and now Illinois’ government, are looking to encourage businesses, homeowners and farmers to invest in renewable energy in Peoria IL. For this reason, you can take advantage of numerous money-saving incentives, such as the Federal Solar Tax Credit, REAP, net metering, Illinois’ SREC program, and more.
  • A Quickly Growing Sector – The technology behind solar energy production and other renewable energies has never been better. As such, the clean energy sector is one of the fastest-growing industries in the US. And with continued investment in clean energy, the industry is expected to create countless jobs and help lift state and federal economies.
  • Greater Freedom – Installing new solar panels give you the option to go completely independent with your energy production. Photovoltaic solar panels produce energy anywhere, no matter the climate or weather conditions. And while many choose to still connect to the local energy grid out of convenience, producing solar energy gives you the freedom to have electricity anywhere you go.
Renewable Energy expert looking over solar panels in Peoria IL

How the Sun Collectors Can Help

The Sun Collectors believes a great future can be achieved through solar power. As such, we set out to educate our clients on the amazing benefits of solar. Furthermore, we help connect customers with numerous rebates, tax breaks, and other solar incentives to ease solar panel installation expenses. Additionally, the Sun Collectors provides our own incentives for those looking to switch to solar. With our $0 down financing, you won’t have to pay outrageous upfront costs on panel installation. Instead, we work out a manageable monthly payment plan, with rates as low as $49 per month.

Give Us a Call

When you’re ready to jump into renewable energy in Peoria IL, trust the Sun Collectors to set you up with the best available solar panels. Contact us today at 309-323-8260 to request a quote. Also, we are located at 4507 N Sterling Ave, Ste 400, Peoria, IL 61615.