Sun Collectors

Pay Nothing Upfront on Solar Panel Cost in Peoria IL

Sun Collectors offers $0 money down financing and plans, starting at $49 per month on solar panel cost in Peoria IL. Get more details by calling now at 309-323-8260.

If you are considering solar panels for residential, commercial, or agricultural  properties, Sun Collectors wants to help. Most customers think they cannot afford to switch from electricity to solar power because of expensive equipment. However, Sun Collectors makes solar more accessible with $0 money down financing. In addition, you can use federal tax incentives to deduct 30% of installation costs on your tax returns. Typically, most clients who convert to solar receive a 20% return on their investment in the form of energy cost savings.

If you want sustainable energy without paying a lot upfront on solar panel cost in Peoria IL, contact us. We make switching to solar energy quick, easy, and affordable.

Residential Solar Systems

Homeowners receive great benefits from Sun Collectors without paying a large upfront solar panel cost in Peoria IL. In fact, the cost of solar panels is currently lower than ever. So, now is the right time to make the switch. When you do, you can benefit from the following:

  • Energy Cost Savings: For the last decade, the cost of electricity rose 2.2% each year. That means that the average American homeowner now pays upwards of $1350 for electricity each year. With Illinois’ net metering program, you can save on energy spending. Net metering allows you to sell excess energy created by your solar panels to the power company to get credit on your future utility bills. In some cases, you can drastically reduce monthly payments for power.
  • Increase Property Value: On average, solar homes are valued at $20,000 more than electric households. Also, Zillow research shows that homes with solar panels can sell 20% faster. In addition, solar homes experience a gain of 4% equity over electric homes.
  • Keep Power on During a Storm: Many people now work from home. However, you lose the ability to work when the power goes out. You can avoid that problem with solar panels. With a solar system, your power will stay on when homes on the grid lose power.
  • Timely Incentives Reduce Your Initial Investment: Current federal tax credits allow you to deduct 30% of your initial solar panel cost in Peoria IL.

Commercial Solar Systems

Businesses are always on the lookout for ways to cut expenses. Your company may not think you can do that with an added solar panel cost. However, going solar can help your business save big. If you install solar panels, your company can essentially prepay for 30 years of electricity at a fraction of the cost. Learn more about big savings on energy and solar panel cost in Peoria IL. Contact Sun Collectors today for a no-risk consultation.

Solar Panel Cost Peoria IL

Solar for Farms

Agricultural businesses can also get a great deal from Sun Collectors on solar panel cost in Peoria IL. With creative financing, you can get initial installation with $0 money down. Then, your farm operation will notice immediate savings on power bill. As a result, you can use that money to help in other areas of your farm operation. With the 30% tax deduction from the federal investment credit and depreciation of the equipment, you can quickly recoup your investment. So, your system will quickly pay for itself and give you decades of energy cost savings.

Let’s Talk About Solar Panel Cost in Peoria IL

It’s okay if you still have questions about whether you can afford solar panel cost. Our solar experts can give you a free consultation and provide you with all the information you need. So, give us a call now at 309-323-8260 or contact us online to make an appointment.