Sun Collectors

Don’t Fret Over Solar Panel Installation Cost in Peoria IL

The most efficient renewable energy solutions should never be out of reach for the average consumer. Especially if renewable energy is something you’re considering investing in, there should be plenty of options within your price range. And that’s where Sun Collectors comes in. While the initial solar panel installation cost in Peoria IL may seem a bit much at first, there are plenty of incentives offered by both the state and local energy companies that can bring that cost down significantly. And our company can get you started with the best solar panels available.

Sun Collectors has set up countless families and individuals with one of the most reliable ways to access renewable energy. We’ve supplied solar panels for residential, commercial and agriculture alike, helping folks achieve the best energy savings while working towards a cleaner environment. Our company has worked across the country, and we’ve seen the good and bad of what solar systems bring. Thus, our ultimate goal is to ensure we do solar the right way and is easily understandable and accessible.

Bringing Your Cost Down

The one major obstacle most people face when looking to switch to renewable energy is the cost of entry. And while solar will pay for itself in no-time, it’s understandable why many folks are tentative at first. However, Illinois customers receive some of the best incentives available, so you’re only paying a fraction of the initial cost.

  • A Strong RPS
    • The Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) for Illinois states that electric utilities obtain 25% of their energy from renewable energy sources by 2025. With such a strong RPS in place for Illinois, electric utilities make the most sense to offer some of the best incentives when you opt to invest in solar power. And if working with Sun Collectors, we can introduce you to many of those incentives.
  • Federal Tax Credit
    • Upon initially installing a new solar system, the federal government offers a specific tax credit you can take advantage of in your upcoming tax returns. This tax credit will cover 30% of the cost of a solar system. Thus, you’ll only end up paying for nearly three-fourths of the total cost of your solar panels.
  • Building a Surplus
    • After you’ve installed your new solar system, this is where the real savings begin. Thanks to a well-established net metering program laid out by most utility companies, you can save money on the energy your home or business produces. For example, if you produce more energy than you use in a month, the cost for that energy will roll over into next month, bringing your bill down by that amount. With the right system installed, most folks can produce extra energy in the summer months and see their energy bills cost next to nothing come winter.
A house with solar panels next to a dollar sign, representing Solar Panel Installation Cost in Peoria IL

Don’t Just Take Our Word for It

Once you understand the true savings and benefits solar energy can bring you, the solar panel installation cost in Peoria IL becomes an issue barely. And those who’ve invested in renewable energy would agree! Sun Collectors has stayed in touch with our clients and kept track of their savings and the level of satisfaction with their solar systems. If you’d like to see what some of them have to say, check it out on our website.

Get in Touch

If you have more questions about solar panel installation cost in Peoria IL, the experts at Sun Collectors are happy to help! Furthermore, we can educate you further on solar energy benefits and how the best affect your wallet and your planet. To learn more, call us today at 309-323-8260 to request a consultation. Also, we are located at 4507 N Sterling Ave #400, Peoria, IL 61615.