Sun Collectors

There’s Much to Love About Solar Systems in Central Illinois!

Do you love energy savings? Of course, you do! Do you wish for a cleaner environment? Who doesn’t? Did you know there was a way to save money and the environment at the same time? It’s true! With solar systems in Central Illinois, you can sleep easy knowing you’re doing your part for the environment and saving a few dollars while at it. And when searching for expert solar panel installation and solar incentives, the Sun Collectors can help; give us a call!

Solar Energy at Its Best

Solar energy is quickly becoming the country’s most popular renewable energy source. With the numerous solar incentives you can receive in Illinois or throughout the U.S., it’s no wonder so many homeowners and businesses are investing in solar. If you choose to switch to solar yourself, you can expect benefits like:

  • Cleaner Air
    • Solar incentives aim to push more people to adopt solar as their primary energy source. To this end, the less our country relies on fossil fuels, the less air pollution we produce! While fossil fuels provide a reliable energy source, burning fuel for electricity pushes sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and more into our air. Conversely, solar panels don’t burn fuel, and there are no harmful emissions when solar panels convert U.V. rays to D.C. energy.
  • Greater Access to Electricity
    • While most property owners depend on utility companies for access to electricity, these same utility companies aren’t always the most reliable or consistent. From rising energy costs to less support for rural clients, being bound to your utility company isn’t always advantageous. But with solar, you no longer have to only rely on local electric companies for energy. Solar panels can be installed wherever you need them, giving you access to electricity anywhere and reducing your reliance on “the grid.”
  • Excellent Energy & Money Savings
    • Although cleaner air and broader access to electricity are great, the solar energy benefits likely to most impact clients are the incredible energy and money savings you can achieve. Thanks to Illinois’ bet metering program, any extra energy you produce but don’t use you can sell back to your local utility companies. For every additional kilowatt-hour you produce, you are given a credit that can be applied to your next utility bill. We’ve seen customers vastly reduce or outright eliminate their electric costs through net metering.

How Can the Sun Collectors Help?

The Sun Collectors are the premier installers of solar systems in Central Illinois and throughout the State. We go above and beyond for our customers, connecting them with the best solar incentives and expert contractors, ensuring solar installation is fast, accurate, and affordable. Best of all, when you purchase and install solar panels through the Sun Collectors, you can take advantage of our $0 down financing for installation and flexible monthly payment plans. Ensuring solar is accessible to all means assisting our clients’ solar installations in every way possible.

A group of electricians connecting Solar Systems in Central Illinois

Call to Learn More

Are you still on the fence about whether solar systems in Central Illinois are the right investment? Talk with the solar professionals at the Sun Collectors! We provide solar education, quality service, and additional incentives that make the switch to solar a worthwhile venture. To learn more or request a quote, call today at 309-323-8260. We are located at 4507 N Sterling Ave #400, Peoria, IL 61615.